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About Us

Our Vision

FullCircle will build a digital platform that connects individuals within the African diaspora to their history and culture and allows them to share their stories to build a lasting global community.

Our Mission

  • Present content that documents and teaches the history and cultural impacts of African enslavement
  • Introduce life-changing experiential technologies that allows users to transform themselves and the world
  • Encourage participants to weave and share experiences in multiple media
  • Spread collaboration as a process for social change

Ways to Contribute to FullCircle


To share your collections and engage a wider public.


A pilot for proof of concept to potential funders.


A shared timeline of African enslavement, trade and the Diaspora, with dates and museum pieces.


Us to people who can collaborate and contribute to FullCircle.

Are you ready to make a difference?

Supporting FullCircle paves the way for the creation of immersive experiences that bring people together and unlock their shared history.

Donate to FullCircle

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Male & female student looking at laptop

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